How to Create and Manage Taxes
System settings will let you customize SeeBiz Inventory according to your organizational requirements.
How to Access System Settings
- To access system settings, open the “Feature Navigation” sidebar from the dashboard.
- Scroll down and click on the “Settings” panel to access different options.
- Click on “System” to access system settings.
- To add tax information about your organization, click on the “Create” option.
- To manage the existing tax information about your organization, click on the “Manage” option.
How to Create Tax Information
- Click on the “Create” option.
- Enter the name of tax e.g. sales tax.
- Enter the tax rate e.g. 10%.
- Enter the department or division where a contact’s non-taxable sales have to be reported. e.g. Travis County Tax Office.
- Click on the “Save” button to finish.
- Here, you can click on the “+New” button to create tax later on.
Manage Taxes
By clicking on the Hamburger button at the top, you can sort your taxes according to their:
- Created Time
- Name
- Rate
To make changes to an existing tax, click on the vertical ellipsis icon against the tax to perform the following actions:
- Edit: Change the name, rate, or authority of the tax.
- Delete: Remove the tax
Delivery Methods
Here, you’ll be able to add your organization’s delivery methods. Adding these beforehand will help you include them later during transactions.
- To create delivery methods, click on the “Create” option.
- To manage existing delivery methods, click on the “Manage” option.
Create Delivery Method
- Enter the name of the delivery method.
- Click on the “Save” button to finish.
- Or click on the “Cancel” button to go back.
Manage Delivery Methods
- Here you can view all the existing Delivery methods offered by your organization.
- To make changes to an existing delivery method, click on the vertical ellipsis icon against the method to perform the following actions:
- Edit: Change the name of the delivery method.
- Delete: Remove the delivery method.
SeeBiz Inventory lets you add multiple warehouses in the system so you can manage all your inventories across different locations in one place.
- To add a warehouse to your organization, click on “Create Option”.
- To manage existing warehouses, click on “Manage Option”.
Add Warehouse
- Add the name of the warehouse.
- Enter its street address.
- Enter the city name it’s located in
- Select its state from the drop-down menu.
- Enter the area zip code of the warehouse.
- Select the country the warehouse belongs to.
- Enter a contact number of that warehouse.
- Enter an email to contact the warehouse.
- Click “Save Button” to add the warehouse to your organization.
- Click on “Cancel” to discard all details.
Manage Warehouses
- Here, you can view all your warehouses.
- You can sort the warehouses on different criteria.
- Click on “⋮ Button” to open the menu against each warehouse to perform the following actions:
- Mark a warehouse as your “Primary Warehouse”.
- Edit preferences against a warehouse.
- Remove that warehouse from your organization.
Inventory Account
SeeBiz Inventory allows you to create different accounts for both sales and purchase flows.
- To start creating inventory accounts, click on “Create”.
- To manage current inventory accounts, click on “Manage”.
Create Inventory Account
Here, you have to fill all the fields with the relevant data.
Account Name: Enter the name of your new sales or purchase account.
Account Group: Add the group under which your new sales or purchase account can be classified. Make a new one if you have to.
Opening Balance: Enter the value of assets in this account at the time of its creation.
Current Balance: Enter the value of assets in the account at this time.
You can either select an account group or create a new one. Here’s how.
- Select the “+ Add New” option from the drop-down menu.
- Add an appropriate group name for your sales or purchase account.
- Select whether the group account belongs to the sales or purchase type.
- Click on the “Save” button to add this new group account into your system.
Manage Inventory Account
Here, you’ll be able to view all of the inventory account group names and their type.
You can delete the ones you no longer want in your system by first clicking on the vertical ellipsis icon against an account group and then selecting the “Delete” option.
Now, to view all of the inventory account names in your system, click on “Account Name”.
Each account will have the following properties on display:
- Name
- Group
- Opening Balance
- Current Balance
Again, you can delete the ones you no longer want in your system by first clicking on the vertical ellipsis icon against an inventory account and then selecting the “Delete” option.
Currency Settings
As a business owner, you’ll be dealing with customers around the globe. Changing your currency everytime isn’t a feasible solution. Seebiz Inventory allows you to add multiple currencies into your system so you can deal with international customers without hassle.
- Click on the “Manage” option to adjust your currency settings.
Manage Currency Settings
Here, you can view all your added currencies.
To make some changes, click on the vertical ellipsis icon and select the “Edit” option.
You can also sort the currencies according to currency code, symbol, and created time by clicking on the “Hamburger” button.
The preference section lets you customize all the functional modules in SeeBiz inventory according to your business needs.
Go to settings and click on the “Manage” option to adjust your preferences.
In the general tab, you can change your mode of stock tracking or decide if you want to give discounts.
You can choose to track either physical or accounting stock.
As for discounts, you can either give:
- No discount
- Discounts at the individual level
- Or, discounts at the transaction level
To apply your changes, click on the “Save” button.
Sales Order
In the sales order tab, you can choose to close your sales orders either when:
- Invoice is created
- Shipment is fulfilled
- Or, when both shipment is fulfilled and invoice is created
You can also write your terms and conditions here.
To apply your changes, click on the “Save” button.
In the invoice tab, you can either enable or disable invoice status stamps. To apply your changes, click on the “Save” button.
Purchase Order
In the purchase order tab, you can choose to close your purchase orders either when:
- It is fully billed
- It is fully received
- Or, when it is both fully received and billed
You can also write your terms and conditions here.
To apply your changes, click on the “Save” button.
Sales Return Policy
In the sales returns policy tab, you can change your sales return policy type and assign it a value.
To apply your changes, click on the “Save” button.
In the Prefixes tab, you can add custom prefixes as per your requirement. For example, you can use SO for sales order.
You can add prefixes for:
- Sales Order
- Shipment
- Purchase Order
- Sales Return
- Credit Note
- Package
- Invoices
- Bill
- Return Receive
- Receive
To apply your changes, click on the “Save” button.